Unlocking Allergy Relief

Embrace the Power of SAAT: Discover the Revolutionary Allergy Relief Solution

Find Lasting Relief with Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT): Our specialized procedure was patented by Dr. Nader Soliman to effectively address and treat a wide range of allergies and sensitivities, bringing you a renewed comfort and the opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest.

Hello, I am Elizabeth Childers, BSN, RN

With over 20 years of nursing experience in diverse specialties such as ER, Oncology, Surgery, General Medicine, Orthopedics, Hospice, Management, and Case Management, I have witnessed firsthand the impact of chronic inflammation and chronic illness. Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 12 years ago, I chose to explore alternative paths after trying traditional medication for four years with no relief. By identifying and addressing the root causes of my inflammation, I have been treatment-free for four years, medication-free, and without relapses.

As a nurse coach at Aulyn House, I guide patients in uncovering their own causative factors and connecting them with resources for transformative healing. I firmly believe that true healing requires a holistic approach, encompassing the mind, body, and soul.

SAAT Consultation and Therapy

During your treatment session, we will have an in-depth discussion to understand your specific allergy concerns and goals. Our expert team will conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify the underlying causes of your allergies and sensitivies, ensuring a tailored approach to your Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT).

Personalized Health Coaching

If you are wanting to go further into your healing, we offer personalized health coaching to help you reach your optimal health level. Disease is caused by chronic inflammation and there are many things in our lives that contribute to chronic inflammation. Our team will help guide you to uncover your inflammatory factors so that you can gain control over your health. If personalized health coaching resonates with you, reach out and let us work with you.

A Simple Four Step Process


Initial Consultation & Assessment

A Personalized Allergy Evaluation

During your initial consultation, we will have an in-depth discussion to understand your specific allergy concerns and goals. Our expert team will conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify the underlying causes of your allergies and sensitivities, ensuring a tailored approach to your Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT).


Customized Treatment Plan Development

A Personalized Roadmap

Based on the assessment results, we will create a customized treatment plan designed to address and alleviate your specific allergies and sensitivities. Our team will explain the details of the SAAT procedure, discussing how it will effectively target and reprogram your immune system to reduce reactions to allergens.


Procedure & Progress Monitoring

Personalized Treatment and Ongoing Evaluation

During the SAAT procedure, you will experience the gentle insertion of a specialized, hair-thin needle in your ear. This comfortable process allows for the reprogramming of your immune system, leading to reduced allergy symptoms over time. We will closely monitor your progress throughout the treatment period, ensuring your comfort and adjusting the approach as needed.


Long-Term Allergy Support

Empowering You for Allergy-Free Living

As you progress through the SAAT treatment, our commitment to your well-being extends beyond the initial procedure. We provide comprehensive guidance and support for long-term allergy management, equipping you with the tools and knowledge to maintain an allergy-free lifestyle. Our team will be available to address any questions or concerns, empowering you to embrace a life free from the burdens of allergies.

Have any questions?

SAAT is a straightforward technique that uses a small 3 mm needle inserted just below the skin perpendicular to the surface. Its goal is to eliminate allergies and sensitivities.

During the initial visit, the consultation, testing, and treatment are completed. The testing process is non-invasive and does not include skin prick or blood testing. Previous allergy test results are not required but welcomed.

The small needles are left in the ear for three to four weeks. They are covered by a small piece of medical adhesive, ensuring comfort during the treatment period.

Typically, only one treatment per allergen is required. Up to five allergens can typically be treated per visit, although the exact number may vary depending on the individual.

Yes, every patient will be rechecked after the initial visit to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment and to confirm that the allergies have been cleared.

SAAT offers a simple approach to allergy treatment, providing efficient results in a short period of time. The procedure is tailored to each individual’s needs, and the testing process does not involve skin prick or blood testing.

While previous allergy test results are not required, they are welcomed and can provide additional information to enhance the treatment process.

The typical number of allergens treated in one visit is up to five. However, this number can vary depending on the individual and their specific needs.

Visit our contact page and send us a message. We’ll get back with you within 24 hours to discuss your first step!

Experience Allergy Relief Today with SAAT